
Tenants Event- help decide how to spend our rent money! Free Event, Lunch Included.

15 August, 2024 | Dundee Federation
Tenants Event- help decide how to spend our rent money! Free Event, Lunch Included.

This will take place in the Steeple Church from 10- 1pm on Saturday 24th August.

Please come along and find out more about the pot the rent money goes into- known as the 'Housing Revenue Account' works and has to be balanced, and what it can and can't be spent on! Share your views on what you think it should be spent on- more repairs, more houses, or more energy efficient measures to keep our bills down?

There will be staff from Housing, Finance, Community Empowerment and Maintenance Teams in attendance.

Lunch will be provided. Get in touch with us asap to secure your space!


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