
Advice & Support

Advice & Support

We give advice and support to our tenants on many matters. We currently meet regularly online as an executive and also with Council officers and Elected Members such as Anne Rendall. We hope to get back to in person meetings asap!

Since Covid-19 has arrived, we have: Referred tenants and members of their communities for emergency food provision and other support, eg food and medicine delivery, accessing extra funding towards utilities. We delivered Tenant Support Packs to our members just before Christmas last year. These packs included hand sanitisers, chocolates, DFTA pens & ice scrapers and a greeting card. We know from the lovely feedback received that these support packs were very much appreciated by our tenants.


We refer to: Advice services including Dundee Money Action and Energy Advice Services- home visits are still undertaken and this can make a real positive difference to tenants fuel bills as well as give great energy saving advice.

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