The DFTA submitted a corporate complaint to Dundee City Council about the closure of the West and East Council Housing Offices to the public, along with the end of face to face drop in serices at Dundee House. No consultation was undertaken on these matters, with tenants or the wider community. We undertook a campaign and survey where we spoke to hundred of our tenants and residents about how this adversely affects them- in particular the less IT able, low income, the elderly and those with disabilities and highlighted these to the council. Our two stage complaint was not upheld.
Along with Dundee Fighting for Fairness and Dundee Pensioners Forum, twe then attended a meeting with the Leader of the Council John Alexander where we all presented our case and evidenced the need for face to face services- we were told this decision would not be revisited.
We then submitted a complaint to the Scottish Housing Regulator as we believed the closed doors represented a clear barrier to 'Easy communication with landlords' required by the Scottish Housing Charter (*note 1) However this was not upheld as the Regulator advised us that they did not have the power to tell council how to deliver their services.
Despite this we continue to fight the case for face to face drop in support to continue, in particular for tenants. We have been working with council staff on the roll out of community drop in housing support sessions across the City.
Watch this page for any updates!
*Note 1- Scottish Social Housing Charter November 2022 - (refer to points 2 and 3 in particular)