
Our Annual General Meeting is coming soon

25 June, 2024 | Dundee Federation
Our Annual General Meeting is coming soon

Dundee City Council tenants are invited to our Annual General Meeting which takes place in the Central Baptist Church on Ward Road on Tuesday 9th July at 6pm. You will hear an update from us, other local tenants groups and from Dundee Council Housing Services.

We ask that you register in advance for this event by messaging the DFTA page here, emailing [email protected] or phoning 01382 305718, giving details of any committee member nominations too. We are always looking for more tenant volunteers to support our work.

Refreshments will be available so please state any dietary requirements at the time of booking. Please also let us know if you require a paid taxi home. If you have any additional questions or issues you wish to raise at this meeting, please address these in advance to our Chair Heather Adams at the above email address.

We hope you can make it along. If you have any barriers to attending this meeting, please get in touch. You can also request to attend it online via Teams Meetings.

We propose some constitutional changes so please get in touch should you wish to know more about these prior to the AGM.

Best wishes, the DFTA Executive Committee

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